Which of Marvel's mortals can survive a nuclear bomb?

It's popularly known that Wolverine has survived a nuclear bomb blast. And I just learned that Hulk has been directly hit by a nuclear bomb. Other than these two, how many of Marvel's mortals have survived a nuclear bomb blast, or can survive a nuclear bomb blast?

17.4k 10 10 gold badges 79 79 silver badges 127 127 bronze badges asked Mar 31, 2014 at 8:14 116k 150 150 gold badges 589 589 silver badges 1.1k 1.1k bronze badges Anyone, if they use a fridge. Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 8:30 He's talking about this fridge. Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 8:33 @SachinShekhar - english.stackexchange.com/questions/160206/nuke-the-fridge Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 10:19

The problem here is that too many of the characters powers flux depending on the writer. In Days of Future Past, Wolverine died and did not regenerate after being hit by a blast from a sentinel.

Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 10:28

@joshbirk I think Thor, as with all the Asgardians and most of the other "gods" in the Marvel Universe are the "Immortal until killed" kind of immortal. Thor is fated to die in Ragnarok, Hercules (who is actually a demigod) has died, Sentry is dead. until he's not anymore.

Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 18:09

5 Answers 5

Invulnerability or regeneration powerful enough to allow one to survive a nuclear attack of any real magnitude is fairly uncommon in the Marvel Universe, but the biggest of the big guns of the Marvel Universe can survive, if barely, a standard ten megaton nuke; though probably not under optimal conditions.

NOTE: A nuclear device utilized under optimal conditions will likely kill almost everyone on this list. When confronted by nukes in most stories, they are usually smaller, not configured properly, too far away or some other aspect which allows the reader and the character enough of a possibility of survival to allow suspension of belief. (See: Indiana Jones and the Refrigerator of Nuclear Resistance)

This is most assuredly an incomplete list: Through sheer toughness (armored skin, invulnerability, super-fast regeneration, or some combination):

The Hulk (the Abomination and likely the Red Hulk):

Blue Marvel:


The Sentry:

The Juggernaut: Cain Marko

The Juggernaut: Colossus



Utilizing some combination of their superhuman abilities, and/or coupled with their sheer intellect, these characters may have a chance of surviving a nuclear attack.

Magneto: Master of Magnetism


Jean Grey: As Dark Phoenix

Susan Storm:

Of the Avengers lineups over the last 50 years, the following could make an effective attempt at surviving a nuclear blast.

Hercules: functionally immortal, super tough, damage resistant

Ms. Marvel: massive energy manipulation, but not likely powerful enough to survive a nuke at close range.

The Vision: assuming he was hardened against the EMP, his intangibility should make him relatively resistant to the blast and effects of the nuke.

Wonder Man: Unliving ionic energy, super durable, even if destroyed, he can reform himself over time.

Jack of Hearts: Unliving energy, cannot be destroyed, functionally immortal

Starbrand: Capable of manipulating massive energies directed by the will.

Quasar: Extreme energy manipulation, hard light constructs

Captain Universe: Extreme energy manipulation

Most powerful of known heroic mutants:

Vulcan: A Superman-analog, he was capable of vast energy manipulations and was capable of surviving under almost any conditions.

Shadowcat: It is unclear how long she could maintain her phased state, but while phased she was invulnerable to most forms of physical or energy attack. If she does not actually need to breathe the nuke would be unable to harm her.

Hope Summers: The ability to replicate or duplicate any mutant power she has experienced.

Elixir: Capable of matter alteration, altering living organisms and raising the dead

82k 113 113 gold badges 449 449 silver badges 902 902 bronze badges answered Apr 2, 2014 at 0:58 Thaddeus Howze Thaddeus Howze 213k 23 23 gold badges 713 713 silver badges 997 997 bronze badges

Hope's repitoire of known mutants doesn't include anyone who could survive a nuke, unless you're adding Cable/Stryfe/X-man to the list. (And Vulcan's closer to green lantern than Supes, fwiw.)

Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 1:52 Lots of immortals in this list. Good answer though. Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 15:10

Almost everyone on this list started their lives as a mortal being. The only known semi-immortals would be Thor, Hercules, Wonder Man and Captain Universe (who is technically just a container of cosmic energy).

Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 15:23

If we're considering energy or matter manipulation (rightfully so), I would think Scarlet Witch would be a contender at least.

Commented Apr 8, 2014 at 12:45 The reason I didn't include her was the historic unreliability of her powers. Commented Apr 9, 2014 at 2:22

Off the top of my head there's at least half a dozen Marvel Mortals who could (theoretically) survive a nuke from ground zero;

I'm sure someone will be along shortly with an in-canon list of nukes and who's survived them.

answered Apr 1, 2014 at 21:28 708k 163 163 gold badges 4.7k 4.7k silver badges 5k 5k bronze badges I would debate Magneto based on physics alone, but who am I kidding? Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 21:45 @joshbirk - I'm fairly sure that he's withstood at least one nuclear explosion before. Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 22:12

Yeah, I actually don't disagree with his inclusion. He is, or is nearly, and Omega-level mutant to whom the laws of physics don't entirely apply. However in the real world being able to control the magnetic field would do very little to the heat wave of a thermonuclear blast. But hey, I guess he's also the most likely to find a lead-lined fridge. or I suppose quickly arrange a mountain to take the blast.

Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 22:28 Which reminds, Jean Grey would probably apply as well. Or at least Dark Phoenix. Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 22:29 @joshbirk - I've added her to the list. Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 15:08

The heat of a nuke is between 50 and 150 million degrees Fahrenheit.

Colossus can only resist temperatures of upto 9000º F.

His armored form can withstand ballistic penetration as well as temperature extremes from 70º above absolute zero (-390º F) to approximately 9000º F.

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Colossus_(Piotr_Rasputin)#ixzz32agSYPJ5

When listing Magneto, Sue Storm etc, etc I think you are overlooking one very important aspect of a nuke, radiation. None of these have accelerated healing nor as they immune to toxins or radiation. The fallout would be a major issue. I'm not sure if Sue's Shield could withstand a nuke but she would need to maintain it for some time to avoid the radiation from the fallout. I don't think Magneto's shield could survive a hit, I read Cyclops almost managed to break it and his optic blasts are nowhere near nuke level. Namor is said to have taken nukes. All these would survive with ease :

Adam Warlock - High energy manipulation
Beta Ray Bill - Basically has Thor's powers
Deadpool - accelerated healing, cannot die
Firestar - extreme energy absorption and manipulation
Ghost Rider - invulnerable to everything but certain types of magic
Havok - As his powers are cosmic energy he is resistant to most forms of energy
Kid Gladiator - Although like his father he is prone to certain forms of radiation he would survive
Ronan the Accuser - his hammer has vast energy manipulation powers
Spectrum - can transform herself into any form of energy
Thanos - very high durability, has survived a black hole with ease, cannot die, reforms
Tyrant - Former herald of Galactus who easily dealt with an amped Thanos. Second to Galactus in terms of cosmic power, killed by the ultimate nulifier.

A-Bomb, Lyra, Red She Hulk, She-Hulk. All gamma powered, gamma is more powerful than nuclear power so they would survive.